Recover quickly. Improve performance. Prevent injuries.

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Benefits of Chiropractic


Treatment at the Source

Many pain relief medications will only change the symptoms and not fix the cause. A comprehensive history, orthopedic, and neurological exam help identify the cause of the pain so that we can restore function to stop the pain and prevent further re-occurrences.

A Powerful Way to Get Rid of Pain

Studies show that chiropractic care can help reduce pain and improve function without the side effects of many medications. It can assist in the relief of many aches and pains like sciatica, neck pain, ear pain, tennis elbow, spine pain, headaches/migraines, arthritis, and frozen shoulder.

Complementing Other Healthcare Professionals

There are some chronic conditions that cannot be reversed or stopped in their tracks. We work with a variety of exceptional healthcare professionals such as family doctors, pain management specialists, orthopaedists, neurologists, osteopaths, physiotherapists, personal trainers, and massage therapists. Research overwhelmingly indicates having a team work collabouratively improves outcomes.

No Medication Involved

Taking medicine means that you can get relief or treatment for a health issue, but it might also mean that you have to deal with another concern – side effects. Many medications bring both positive and negative effects.

Cost Effective

A retrospective analysis of 70,274 member-months, in a 7-year period, within an independent physician association (IPA), comparing medical management to chiropractic management, demonstrated decreases of 60.2% in-hospital admissions, 59.0% hospital days, 62.0% outpatient surgeries and procedures, and 83% pharmaceutical costs, when compared with conventional medicine IPA performance. This clearly demonstrates that chiropractic non-surgical non-pharmaceutical approaches generates reductions in both clinical and cost utilisation when compared with primary care physicians using conventional medicine alone.

It’s Not Just for the Back

A common misconception of chiropractic is that it’s for the spine and nothing else. Many of the procedures involved in chiropractic services involve all the muscles, nerves, and joints. It is common for chiropractors to assist with elbow and wrist pain, plantar fasciitis, knee and ankle pain, jaw locking or pain, muscle knots, headaches and migraines, and balance disorders such as BPPV, vertigo, etc.



Joint Manipulation

Chiropractic adjustments (aka joint manipulation) have been shown to be a safe and effective modality in the treatment of pain and injury and can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions.

These adjustments or joint manipulations help to restore function to the area. Adjustments can be performed while sitting, standing, or lying down. Some adjustments involve special instruments or tables and not all adjustments produce a clicking or popping sound. They are also very safe.



Back Pain

Eighty percent of modernised humans experience one form of back pain or another, during the course of their lives. More men over the age of 45 are disabled by back pain than any other condition. It is the third most common reason for surgeries. Because of this, people complaining of back pain cannot be easily diagnosed. This is because the spine is such an incredibly complex structure of bones, muscles, nerves, joints, tendons, and ligaments. Injury or disease affecting any one or more of these structures can often trigger an episode of pain.

Lower back pain is often caused by muscle strain. The erector spinae, or large paired muscles in the lower back that help keep your spine erect, can become inflamed and spasm. In more serious cases, the pain may be caused by a degenerative condition, such as arthritis, disc disease, or disc herniation.

A degenerative disc condition can sometimes cause a chain reaction of other events in your spine. When a disc is injured from trauma, microtrauma, or disease, it can allow additional undue pressure on other healthy structures, such as neighbouring discs, nerves, muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons.

Because the thoracic spine (mid-back) is the sturdiest part of the spine, it is less prone to injury. That said, upper back and neck pain, while less common than lower back pain, is often caused by repetitive strain and unhealthy postural habits. Upper back and neck pain is on the rise due to the postural habits created when using personal electronic devices.